Photo Restoration Retouching

Our Photo Restoration Retouching reviews

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3 to 4 persons on uploaded photo file

$9.95 per each image
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4 or more persons on uploaded photo file

$19.95 per each image
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Restoration and colorization

$8.95 per each image
Additional cost to every file uploaded
Rush fee
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Old photography restoration by hand! Upload your scanned vintage photos for restoration. Coloring Available - 24/7 Photo Repairs including Free Image Gallery Hosting!

LenFlash can provide museum-quality digital restoration photo services on damaged and old pictures for all uses: commercial, editorial, historical, and media. Our expertise in restoring photos extends to color photo restoration, black-and-white and sepia photo restoration services. Restoration of photos taken with antique cameras and equipment. Our photography restoration techniques preserve the details of old or damaged photos, while removing flaws. If you need to restore photos quickly and professionally, contact LenFlash today.